Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Menu for 6-12-10 thru 6-20-10

                          Breakfast                          Lunch              Dinner

Monday           eggs & bacon                 Chic. salad            BBQ Pork Sand w/
                            with toast                                                    Spring Salad

Tues.                French Toast                 BBQ Sand.             Spaghetti

Wed.                omelet                                                          French Dip

Thurs.            bagels and cream         15 min nacho              sandwiches      
                               cheese                        dinner
Friday              pancakes                                                         Pizza

Sat.                                                      Slowcooker
                                                         easy dump chix.         grilled steak w/
                                                                                           veg.& potatoes                                                                              

Sun.             slow cooker oatmeal              left overs

Wednesday Night Live Music Video Awards

As you can see in the pictures the WNL kid had a great evening--actually, I'm not sure who had more fun---the kids or the adults helpers.  The evening began with the incoming 6th graders prepping for their role as the paparazzi.  As the current 6th-12th graders arrived, the paparazzi cheered, took pictures, asked for autographs....you get the picture.  Tom K. even added a little realism to the evening by interviewing the kids  as they walked the red carpet.  He also played a really good Ryan Secrest for the Music Video Award Show.
Each video made was shown to the audience and  each team won a "grammy" award. They were even called to the stage to make an acceptance speech.
After the videos and awards, the dancing started.  Wow--I almost felt like I was back in highschool again.
On the way home I asked the boys if I embarassed them.  Jonah (who was dancing like crazy) said "Oh no mom--that was fun".  Logan said, "you didn't embarass ME." :)  Yeah... ya gotta love their honesty.
Oh well, it was a blast and I look forward to it again next year.