Monday, September 13, 2010

Platteville Historic Reenactment 2010

This has to be one of my very favorite field trips each year.  Even though we've talked with some of the same people each year, we still learn a ton and all of the kids look forward to it.

A Teenager in the House

Monday, September 6, 2010

Camping with Debbie and Troy Labor Day Weekend

Friday morning we packed up the van with our camping gear and headed to Balsam Lake to Deb and Troys.  We had all talked about heading to the camp ground Friday night, but it was a little rainy and chilly so we stayed the night at their house and we all set out the next morning.  Deb had found out about this great little camp ground  this summer called the Skonewood Christian Retreat.  It's address is Cushing and it is only about 25 minutes from their place.  Totally family friendly.  First of all they do not have a fee--they take only donations which I think is amazing.  To top it off, they provide paddle boats, canoes, and life vest at the beach.  There is a nice little pier for both fishing and swimming.  They even have a huge pile of fire wood available---again totally free for the campers.  The kids had a blast since the campground was fairly small, they had a lot of independence which they thought was great.  Jonah and Nick were able to take out a paddle boat all by themselves and fish a couple of times.  Logan and the other guys preferred to fish from shore.
Even though the temperature was a little cool, they still managed to go swimming both Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday evening we all sat around and watched The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe thanks to Grandpa and Grandma's projector. 
I think it got down to the mid forties Sat. night.  We stayed pretty warm in the tent though thanks to MULTIPLE layers.  Poor Bandit woke me up shivering.  I put him close to my sleeping bag and he proceeded to crawl down inside and make himself comfortable.  Problem solved though, he was toasty the rest of the night. 

Saturday we  had a bean bag toss tournament.  Debbie was the unlucky person to draw my name as partner.  But because of her outstanding skills, we managed not to be eliminated the first round.  I bet Nick was sooo please to realized that he didn't have Aunt Paula as a partner.  He and Debbie's friend Peggy won the tournament.
Well Labor Day is over(almost it's still 5:00 on Monday) and I just am not quite ready for summer to be over.  Usually I love the thought of cooler days, leaves changing color, and getting back to more of a scheduled school day.  But for some reason I'm not at that point yet.  Thankfully we'll still see some warm weather so I can pretend that summer vacation is not over just yet.  I think the bike trail is calling our name.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Logan's Birthday Menu

Can't believe it----Logan's 13 on Tuesday.  He has the whole day planned out down to what he wants to eat, especially what he wants to eat.

So...Monday night sleep over:  Pizza Hut take out
Tuesday Breakfast:  Cinnamon Rolls
Dinner:  BBQ Wings, Homemade Fries, and Cream Cheese Apple Pie

Here is a picture of his birthday meal--

Dinner Menu for August 30-Sept. 3

Monday--Pizza Hut (for Logan's sleepover)

Tuesday---BBQ Chicken Wings, homemade fries, and cream cheese apple pie

Wednesday--Crock pot Beef Roast

Thursday--Grilled Pizza

Friday--yet to be determined

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pickled Beets and Borscht

This weekend we harvested all of our beets.  When I pulled them out of the ground they didn't look as red as usual so I wondered if perhaps we left them in the ground too long.  After cutting the greens of and the ends if found that the inside was more white and pink than red---weird.  They cooked up just find and are very tasty--maybe a little sweeter than the normal red beets I'm use to. 
I used most of them to make pickled beets.  They turned out beautiful with a red/pink color that looks very pretty in the jar and taste a little more mild than last years red beets. 
I used the rest in a great big pot of Borscht which we'll have for dinner tonight.  I need to find out what seeds Kevin planted so we can plant them next year.

Friday, August 20, 2010

First Science Experiment of the Year with Apologia General Science

I like to begin the school year gradually.  It seems less daunting to start with a couple of subjects to get our feet wet again after the nice summer break.  This week we started back with Spanish and our new science program.  I think we are really going to like the Apologia General Science this year.  You can see the boys doing one of the experiments above.  With each experiment they must write up a lab report.  I was so impressed with their first attempt as they followed the instructions and wrote a neat logical report.
We are also trying something new---actual grades for science.  Really this is more for my benefit than theirs.
I don't want to begin figuring out how to do grades beginning with high school.  I think it would be a good idea for me to have a bit of practice at this.  I was pleasantly surprised how they reacted to being graded.    I explained exactly what I was looking for in the lab report and how they could earn the maximum 12 points.  I really do think it helped them be a little more careful and definitely made a difference on the neatness factor. 
So this year we are going to grade science, math, and some of their history.  We'll see how it goes :)

A Flower for the Teacher

Earlier this week Kevin came home with a lovely red rose for me.  He said if was for "the teacher" because he knew that I had been working hard getting everything ready for school to start.   How sweet and thoughtful was that?! 

The Life of a Spoiled Dog

I was checking to see if the boy's did their morning chores and this is how I found Jonah's bed.  No, it wasn't made because Bandit was using it at the time.  So...I have a very spoiled little doggie and a guy who can come up with a great excuse for not making his bed.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saving my sanity and menu planning

So I hate to admit this, but the one question that grates on me like finger nails down a chalk board is...What's for dinner.  Really you could replace the dinner with what's to eat and that would be more accurate.  Since we are homeschoolers and home most of the day, all day, every day (you get the picture) I feel that not only am I the teacher, but a short order cook as well.  Now I really do love my children and I like  tolerate cooking;  it's the decision making that drives me crazy.  It is also the complaints about said decision that drive me even crazier.  In the past I have solved both of these little quandaries with a  menu hung just at eye level on the refrigerator.  I love it when I am organized enough to have that menu hung up and ready to go Sunday evening.  I can not explain the joy  I have Monday morning when the sleepy little cherubs come rolling into the kitchen and ask that age old question "what's for breakfast" and I can point to that menu. 
No fuss, no last minute decisions based on what stale cereal is left in the cupboard.  It is pure bliss.

Anyway, I've been VERY lax all summer and that's okay since really that's to be expected and we don't mind getting breakfast a little closer to noon everyday.  But the end of August is looming before me and I feel the panic of that little age old question starting to nag at me again.    So, that very panic lead me to get busy and create that menu once again.  For the time being I only have breakfast and lunch worked out, but  it still is after all summer and I need to have a few more unstructured carefree days left--which is to say I just ran out of time.  But, it's a start.

Alright--this is it:

Monday:  Breakfast--fried eggs, hashbrowns, sausage & toast
                Lunch-- Smoothies and bagels

Tuesday:  Breakfast--pancakes and OJ
                Lunch--chicken nuggest, fries, and carrots

Wednesday:  Breakfast--scramble egges, bacon, and toast
                      Lunch--pasta and lettuce salad

Thursday:  Breakfast--French toast

Friday:  Breakfast--cereal

Sat:  Breakfast--Waffels

Sunday--not sure yet--but something wonderful :)

Childrens Prairie Fire Theater 2010

"I complain of Tootles."  That was one of the lines that Jonah spoke as Nibs the "lost kid" in the Prairie Fire Theater production of Peter Pan.
     What a great experience.  Monday he auditioned along with about sixty third through eighth graders. Monday and Tuesday the children all worked very hard learning their lines because by Wednesday's practice  they needed to have it all committed to memory. By Friday evening at 7:00 the show was ready to preform.  That's it-- all put together in 5 days.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Menu for 6-12-10 thru 6-20-10

                          Breakfast                          Lunch              Dinner

Monday           eggs & bacon                 Chic. salad            BBQ Pork Sand w/
                            with toast                                                    Spring Salad

Tues.                French Toast                 BBQ Sand.             Spaghetti

Wed.                omelet                                                          French Dip

Thurs.            bagels and cream         15 min nacho              sandwiches      
                               cheese                        dinner
Friday              pancakes                                                         Pizza

Sat.                                                      Slowcooker
                                                         easy dump chix.         grilled steak w/
                                                                                           veg.& potatoes                                                                              

Sun.             slow cooker oatmeal              left overs

Wednesday Night Live Music Video Awards

As you can see in the pictures the WNL kid had a great evening--actually, I'm not sure who had more fun---the kids or the adults helpers.  The evening began with the incoming 6th graders prepping for their role as the paparazzi.  As the current 6th-12th graders arrived, the paparazzi cheered, took pictures, asked for get the picture.  Tom K. even added a little realism to the evening by interviewing the kids  as they walked the red carpet.  He also played a really good Ryan Secrest for the Music Video Award Show.
Each video made was shown to the audience and  each team won a "grammy" award. They were even called to the stage to make an acceptance speech.
After the videos and awards, the dancing started.  Wow--I almost felt like I was back in highschool again.
On the way home I asked the boys if I embarassed them.  Jonah (who was dancing like crazy) said "Oh no mom--that was fun".  Logan said, "you didn't embarass ME." :)  Yeah... ya gotta love their honesty.
Oh well, it was a blast and I look forward to it again next year.