Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saving my sanity and menu planning

So I hate to admit this, but the one question that grates on me like finger nails down a chalk board is...What's for dinner.  Really you could replace the dinner with what's to eat and that would be more accurate.  Since we are homeschoolers and home most of the day, all day, every day (you get the picture) I feel that not only am I the teacher, but a short order cook as well.  Now I really do love my children and I like  tolerate cooking;  it's the decision making that drives me crazy.  It is also the complaints about said decision that drive me even crazier.  In the past I have solved both of these little quandaries with a  menu hung just at eye level on the refrigerator.  I love it when I am organized enough to have that menu hung up and ready to go Sunday evening.  I can not explain the joy  I have Monday morning when the sleepy little cherubs come rolling into the kitchen and ask that age old question "what's for breakfast" and I can point to that menu. 
No fuss, no last minute decisions based on what stale cereal is left in the cupboard.  It is pure bliss.

Anyway, I've been VERY lax all summer and that's okay since really that's to be expected and we don't mind getting breakfast a little closer to noon everyday.  But the end of August is looming before me and I feel the panic of that little age old question starting to nag at me again.    So, that very panic lead me to get busy and create that menu once again.  For the time being I only have breakfast and lunch worked out, but  it still is after all summer and I need to have a few more unstructured carefree days left--which is to say I just ran out of time.  But, it's a start.

Alright--this is it:

Monday:  Breakfast--fried eggs, hashbrowns, sausage & toast
                Lunch-- Smoothies and bagels

Tuesday:  Breakfast--pancakes and OJ
                Lunch--chicken nuggest, fries, and carrots

Wednesday:  Breakfast--scramble egges, bacon, and toast
                      Lunch--pasta and lettuce salad

Thursday:  Breakfast--French toast

Friday:  Breakfast--cereal

Sat:  Breakfast--Waffels

Sunday--not sure yet--but something wonderful :)

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