Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cleaning the Storage/Project Room

I wish that I would have taken a before picture.  Wow.  This storage room mess has been bugging me for quite a while.  A couple of years ago it really looked much like this because we used it to do some school work and art/craft projects.  I'm not sure how it became designated a dumping ground for everything I didn't know what to do with.. but somehow it morphed into a room I dreaded to go into.  And I had to go into it often because our big freezer in located in the back corner.
Since we live in a small house, I don't have a lot of room for the boys to do craft projects and leave them set out until finished.  This room is perfect for that.  It was weighing on me that they couldn't really do any projects until I cleaned it up a bit.  Like most jobs of this nature, once you get started it isn't as bad as you think and I didn't take nearly as long.  So note to self....just get started!
And Yeah---  It looks great!!  It feels so good to get something done.  And--I've got four whole garbage back of stuff to get rid of.  

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